2011 Toledo (Aranjuez)
With the collaboration : Master José Manuel Infante
Pedraza, President of:
KEMPO KEMBUDO SPAIN. and its facilities
Aranjuez; between Madrid and Toledo, will make this monthly meeting, stating make entries in the same gym or alfonsotoledo@kyusho.es, places will be limited by order of registration, registration to half an hour before the start time of arrival, 10:00 start 10:30 am, please punctuality.
find prices as established by Kyusho International.
€ 20 Affiliate Members.
€ 25 non-union members.
Saturday 16/04/2011 --- No. 78 King Street. Aranjuez . SGL 9 KYUSHO INTERNATIONAL LEVEL ALFONSO GIL.
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